My Favorite Reads of 2018

My FAvORite ReAds Of 2018

As I looked back on my last year, I couldn’t help but notice that I’d read a lot of great books.

Here’s a roundup of my favorites from 2018 (with some small updates because I had to redo this blog post after gremlins at it, haha).

You’ll have to watch the video for the actual reviews (closed captioning available), but you can find images, links, and timestamps below in case there’s one you’re especially curious about.

**Fair warning, all book links on this page take you to Amazon, wherever possible, and contain affiliate tracking. This won’t affect your shopping experience or pricing, if you choose to buy things at Amazon, but does help support Angel Leya’s endeavors to bring you more and better stories if you choose to buy after clicking the link. Thank you!

Paws, Claws & Magic Tales Anthology

By the Fellowship of Fantasy

Time stamp: 0:18

A cat standing in a magical space.

Biodome Chronicles

By Jesikah Sundin

Time stamp: 0:39 (This one got a fantabulous cover update…)

A group of books with text

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The Confectioner’s Guild

by Claire Luana

Time stamp: 2:45

A book cover with a magical cupcake and text.

Spice Bringer

By H.L. Burke

Time stamp: 4:11 (This one also got a cover update!)

A book cover with a hand holding a flower

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The Faceless Woman

by Emma Hamm

Time stamp: 5:51

A person covering his eyes with his hands

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Make it Count

by Tamar Sloan

Time stamp: 7:23 (Another cover update!)

A person's face with purple text

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Soul Catchers

by Carrie Pulkinen

Time stamp: 9:01

A person and person in a red hoodie

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by K.M. Carroll

Time stamp: 10:02

A person and person standing behind a table

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by Anthea Sharp

Time stamp: 11:50

A person with purple hair and a sword

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Gateways to Alissia series

by Dan Koboldt

Time stamp: 13:28

A person in a hooded robe holding a sword

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The Edinburgh Seer

by Alisha Klapheke

Time stamp: 16:31 (probably one of my all-time favorite covers…)

A person in a red dress with her arms out

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The Stalk (formerly Jack and the Big Stalk)

by Dan Allen

Time stamp: 18:13 (unfortunately, this one is still not available…)


by Angel Leya, Alessandra Jay, Jesse Booth, and Joanna Reeder

Time stamp: 19:28

shifted, book 1 of the siren prophecy trilogy in the shifter academy world, a young mermaid floats in the water.

And the Shifter Academy has so much more to offer! With three full trilogies and over a dozen books spanning historical fantasy romance to short stories to lands far from the original Shifter Academy in Chicago, there’s sure to be something to please just about anyone.

What are your favorite reads? Feel free to share titles and authors in the comments below!

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